How New Earth energy is different from the old
The best way to describe the New Earth energy is it’s like taking a deep breath after you’ve been holding it in for far too long.
When it comes to the shifting energetics, the overall feel and structure of the New Earth is markedly different. While it may initially appear the same to some on a surface level, those who are energetically sensitive have been noticing the difference for a while now. For someone who is not as sensitive energetically, they may simply remark that life feels better, that there is more of a sense of ease (not easy, but ease). For the sensitive ones, though, it feels like the air is cleaner, the light brighter, and an overall sense of cohesiveness - instead of fragmentation or discord - is the norm. Huge difference!
The New Earth is not perfect, nor a state of ideal where nothing goes “wrong.” It’s more that the consciousness has shifted in such a way that people and the planet itself have more of a frequency bandwidth to intentionally work with what’s presenting.
With this expansion of consciousness comes a sense of empowerment. This is a quality we can always access, but when existing in a structure that has a lower vibrational frequency (like the old earth paradigm), it may not feel like you can get at it. That’s one of the key pieces changing in the New Earth energy landscape, empowerment is the rule not the exception, energetically speaking. There’s still a continuum on how much empowerment an individual may feel based on where they are in their own transformational process, but the energetic infrastructure to tap that energy is seemingly more available.
What’s crucial to note is the New Earth is not an Eden that we stumble upon and all of a sudden life is different. The New Earth is an energetic state, multidimensional reality, a physical place, and a template or program that lives within us. We access it, bring it through, and create it through raising our frequency. Frequency is raised naturally through building awareness, making healthy choices, taking self-responsibility, having healthy relationship dynamics, connecting with God, and choosing to show up in your presence, potential, and purpose.
As more of us become in tune with the larger energy shifts happening, we then start shaping the physical plane of reality to match the visions we are seeded with. If you have a vision of the future that lights you up, it’s because you are meant to bring it through and ground it onto the physical plane of reality. That’s why becoming aware of your intuition, energy, and spirituality will be your compass for how we direct the flow of our physical creations, now and in the future.
There are many other ways to contextualize the larger energy shifts happening. Let this article be an opening for more exploration, tuning into your own wisdom flow and understanding of this paradigm shift and transformational time. What have you been noticing changing on the energetic front?