Meet Vanessa Smith

Here with an enthusiastic love for new paradigm perspectives and those here to create what’s next. Pair this with a passion for vitality and transformational healing, plus 20+ years in this field.

I was born to create the new. If you’re here, you are too.

My story? I’ve always been highly attuned to energy, an incredibly nuanced seer, specifically when it comes to your natural gifts, purpose, and potential, all within the context of the paradigm shift.

Our gifts are not meant to be sat on or shared with only a few.

My clients are the new earth builders, usually entrepreneurs or wanting to be, often in the field of transformation or going through their own transformation they’d like support with. This is my calling too, and I love using my gifts to help you access, activate, and accelerate yours.

My experience, story, training…

  • Lifelong seer of purpose and potential, with a gift for reading the underlying energetics at play.

  • 20+ years owning my transformational business

  • Various positions in the holistic healing field

  • Masters in Holistic Health Education

  • Certified Massage Therapist

  • Certified Life Coach

Beyond the jobs I’ve done, courses attended and created, groups taught, client results, massively helpful mentors - all foundational for my journey - the game changer has been the willingness to do my own transformational inner work.

We all have pivot points, where we become new versions of ourselves. I’ve been through this type of rebirth and reinvention many times over. What has always held me steady through it is my energy read and intuitive lens. In tapping that filter of reality, the process of change becomes much simpler and more accessible.

I am grateful and humbled by the awakening journey and healing process.

Life is an adventure!

I have lived in big cities and dense forests. Sat in traffic for hours and swam in rivers all day. Worked in a mall and volunteered on a farm. Spent time in country clubs, and grew up in the inner city. From the San Francisco Bay Area to now residing in Europe.

The biggest adventure of all is choosing to follow my intuition.

It has directed me to unexpected career changes (ask me about the time I was a professional princess). It guided me to where I met my husband. It led me to become an expat, sell everything, and relocate continents. It connected me with friends, mentors, clients, and colleagues who I have felt a bond with beyond this lifetime.

When I check intuitively about what's next, I get the strong sense that a whole new adventure is about to begin.

No matter where you are on the journey…

Having a strong foundation of energy know how is ESSENTIAL in these rapidly shifting transformational times. This is especially true for those of you who are sensitive to energy, empaths, or players in the build of a new paradigm via your purpose work.

Join Energy Essentials!