Own Your Gifts NOW
Let’s get straight to the point…
I am a seer and energy guide who specialises in seeing your natural gifts and how they are to be used to create collective change. Your gifts are meant to shift the paradigm, and it’s time to align them to do so.
When you know your gifts, but don’t use them to impact more, you end up feeling stagnant, unfulfilled, and unsure as to why things aren’t moving or opening up.
It’s because you’re meant to use your natural gifts for the paradigm shift.
Create momentum in all areas of your life by truly seeing your gifts, being yourself and owning the role you are here to play in the larger picture. Ahhhh, alignment!
In this powerhouse 1:1
Know your top 1-3 gifts and how they build the new earth
Who your gifts are meant for & the best collabs to make that impact
What the main obstacle, excuse, or blind spot is & how to transform that
What in your lineage is holding you back and energetically shifting it in the session
A peek into the next version of you, aligned with your purpose, taking action toward the paradigm shift.
Yes. All this in one session.
Ready? Let’s go!
See this picture with 6 highlighted areas? This is the PDF you get after our session - personalised to you, with each of those key topics filled in, along with the recording.
Our online session is 90 minutes of highly focused clarity for the revealing of your natural gifts, turning them into superpowers for your role in building the new!
I'll ask you some questions about your life. As you talk, I'll be making notes on the underlying energetics. Because you already know what topics we are covering, your energy will automatically organise itself to "show" me the info related to those categories. I synthesize this info and share what I see in a clear, cohesive way so you have specifics to work with in an easy to digest, next steps kind of way.
Part of the session includes visualization and/or energy healing to clean up what you carry from your lineage. Sessions with me are transformative, down to earth, and often, lighthearted. You'll feel seen and heard on a deep level. I am true listener.
If you have questions about any of the topics we cover, or about your purpose in relation to the paradigm shift and new earth build, definitely bring those questions with you. Have a pen and paper nearby, and water at the ready. Mostly though, just be yourself!
It depends on you.
Some clients feel elated because they have a clear direction to move in now.
Others feel relieved because it finally makes sense how everything is connected.
Or you might feel sad or mad, because you now see what's been impacting alignment.
No matter how you feel, feelings always pass. The point of the session is clarity, confidence, and claiming so you can do what you're here to do and be who you're here to be.
As far as what to do with the info, you'll leave the session with at least 1 specific next step to take.
If you're really ready to experience more momentum, I recommend the next step be - Clear. Confident. Claimed. - a 1:1 mentorship designed to help you step further into your purpose work and role in the paradigm shift.
Click here to see client's experience and results.
Great question! You are not required to have a business, though most of my clients do. What's most important is that you are ready to be in action, either kicking off your purpose work or refining what you had been doing. The whole point of getting the clarity, confidence, and claiming of your natural gifts for building the new earth paradigm, is to use them!
What qualifies me to do this work…
I have been a seer all my life, and have given readings professionally for 24 years. My specialty has always been in identifying your purpose and natural gifts, the underlying energy dynamics are “standing in the way” of you embodying this potential, and how it all fits into the paradigm shift.
Pair that with 20 years of being a certified coach, and expertise in energy guidance, not only do you get the support for the build of your purpose work but know how in riding the waves of change in these rapidly shifting times. The result? Being better able to see and be yourself in the world so you can make the impact you are here for.
Even if you think you know what your gifts are…
…or have been doing your purpose work, this session can be incredibly clarifying and deeply aligning, activating you in a new way.
In addition to illuminating your gifts and their connection to the new earth build, we hone in on the key challenges that pop up whenever you attempt to grow or transform.
This is the gamechanger, as you no longer resist, loop, or spinout, losing alignment with your larger purpose. Instead, the challenges fuel you and hone your gifts further, because you know what you’re working with!