Energy Essentials

Thriving in times of change.

The energy is shifting, & so are you.

Navigating transformational times such as these requires energy know how.

It’s what enables you to see more clearly and proceed more confidently.

Energy awareness is the key, as there is so much happening right now.

Energy Essentials gives you timeless solutions to respond to timely situations.

Immersive Live group + personalised feedback on your real life situations!

Energy Essentials for…

  • You are meant to sense the energy

    Attune to the higher purpose of the empath.

  • The larger collective energy shift

    Energy know how for navigating these times.

  • Reclaiming your body's energy

    Create connection, presence, & embodiment.

About Energy Essentials

Each section of Energy Essentials runs as its own Live group program. You can sign up for 1, 2, or all 3. I highly recommend the full package of 3 as it truly gives you a solid foundation of energy mastery know how.

Empath Energy Essentials happens September 21 - December 21, 2025.

New Earth Energy Essentials happens December 21 - March 21, 2026.

Your Body Energy Essentials happens March 21 - June 21, 2026.

Each of these include:

  • Ten unique 60-90 minute module video and audio energy teachings

  • A comprehensive guidebook with content overviews & activities

  • Specific energy action plan as related to the section theme

  • Three 90 minute meet-ups to connect around the content

  • Personalised feedback on your energy conundrums

  • Private membership platform for our community

  • Weekly prompts to integrate & apply the info

To learn more about each program, scroll down and see what is covered…

Release energy overwhelm now

  • Overview

    As an Empath, you have an innate ability to pick up on the energy around you. But if you are overwhelmed or drained by your sensitivity, then it can feel more like a burden than the helpful alchemy tool it is.

    Here, you will gain an in depth energy psychology, holistic, and spiritual understanding around being an empath that activates your inner knowing in new ways.

    In essence, get ready to say “Oooohhhh, this makes so much sense!”


    We kick off on September 21st, 2025 and close it out December 21st, 2025.

    Meetups happen on the 21st of September, October, and November for 90 minutes. They take place at 10am (10:00) and 7pm (19:00) in the Paris time. Check your time zone. You can attend one or both sessions. Recordings emailed. Replays in group. Not required, encouraged.

    Private online community (not FB) to connect, access content, and get personalised feedback.

    Walk away with practical wisdom solutions and energy tools to better navigate the energy landscape and daily terrain of being an empath.

  • There are all sorts of empath conundrums that will be addressed in this program. In addition to what you see outlined in the curriculum below, here are some of the common every day scenarios we will cover:

    • How to not be drained by others

    • How to support energy sensitive kids

    • How to clean up the energy of your home

    • How to use energy to transform your life

    • How to have energy boundaries as a healer

    • How to contain collective energies (fear, anxiety)

    • How to get instant clarity and make decisions

  • Obviously, Empaths! However, if you have someone in your life - a partner, parent, child, colleague, BFF, who happens to be energy sensitive or knows they are an empath, this program can be highly helpful for interacting with them and better navigating the dynamics that are unique to empaths.

Know what’s up with the collective energy

  • Overview

    The amount of personal and collective change happening right now is astounding. Get tapped into the bigger picture of reality you live in, more deeply aligned with the larger reason you are here, and expand your energy toolbox so you can best participate in creating what’s next.


    We start December 21, 2025 and end on March 21, 2026.

    Meetups happen on the 21st of December, January, and February for 90 minutes. They take place at 10am (10:00) and 7pm (19:00) in the Paris time. Check your time zone. You can attend one or both sessions. Recordings emailed. Replays in group. Not required, encouraged.

    Private online community (not FB) to connect, access content, and get personalised feedback.

    Walk away with practical wisdom solutions and energy tools to better navigate the collective energy landscape, heighten your discernment, and amplify intuition now.

  • If you’ve been wondering why you’re becoming more sensitive, what’s energetically going on in the collective, and how to best work with it all in an empowering and alchemical way, look no further than the New Earth section of the Energy Essentials program.

    You’ll get the big picture overview in the most practical, applicable way so you can no longer be swayed by the narratives at play. What gets activated for you in this section, is a deeper alignment with the larger reason you are here on the planet right now.

  • ✔️ Anyone interested in the bigger picture of what’s unfolding in a more empowered way.

    ✔️ Those called to be of service to shifting the paradigm, building the new, and intentionally creating a life aligned to their soul’s truth.

    ✔️ If you are going through an awakening process, healing journey, spiritual growth, or transforming any big or small aspect of your life.

    ✔️ Transformational focused businesses, healers, creative visionaries, new earth builders, and other such roles.

Set the stage for your body to thrive

  • Overview

    Our bodies are home to the most incredible energetic based and spiritually rooted technology, such that it far surpasses what we can even imagine at this point!

    We are meant to work with the intelligence of our body and all that it is connected to. Here, you’ll learn the energy essentials to do so.


    We start March 21, 2026 and end June 21, 2026.

    Meetups happen on the 21st of March, April, and May for 90 minutes. They take place at 10am (10:00) and 7pm (19:00) in the Paris time. Check your time zone. You can attend one or both sessions. Recordings emailed. Replays in group. Not required, encouraged.

    Private online community (not FB) to connect, access content, and get personalised feedback.

    Walk away with practical wisdom solutions and energy tools to reclaim your body and soul sovereignty by building a solid foundation for vitality and the healthiest expression of you!

  • Whether you’ve felt disconnected, curious, or even highly attuned to your body’s innate intelligence and healing capacity, what you’ll find in this Energy Essentials program is new tangible ways to reconnect, reclaim, and revitalise your body.

    What it can help the most with:

    ✔️ Transforming your relationship with your body so you feel more connected with it.

    ✔️ Expanding your perspective to see your body more holistically, energetically, and spiritually.

    ✔️ Greatly open up the ability to heal acute and chronic imbalances through emotional and energetic alchemy.

  • ✔️ Those who want to bridge the gap between their soul and body, experience more presence and embodiment.

    ✔️ Anyone interested in the bigger picture of what’s unfolding in relation to their body, and why we need a new collective narrative now.

    ✔️ Healers, spiritual guides, and transformation facilitators who want a comprehensive toolbox and approach to the body awakening happening now.

    ✔️ If you are wanting to or actively healing your relationship with your body and any imbalances it holds.

What students are saying

  • Even though I've had extensive training in various energy fields, I am still learning lots of new techniques for managing my energy and gaining greater depth on concepts I was already familiar with. Vanessa truly is a master teacher - clear, grounded, relatable, with heart and humility - a rare find.

    Anne, 2024 student

  • I am going through the modules a second time several months later after watching them. It is so inspiring and affirming to review both the context and specifics you share about these evolving energy systems. It is also very clear what a passionate master teacher of these concepts you are Vanessa! In reflection I can see/hear how this content is being delivered through your high heart!

    - Aime, 2024 student

  • This amazing course is changing the way I look at myself, my life, my work and my relationships. Seeing it all through the lens of Energy has opened up new ways of tackling issues that before have seemed insurmountable. I get to do it all with the support of a wonderful group of likeminded souls.

    - Helen, 2024 student

  • I like the structure of the course - in particular the group meet ups because it is a time to practice and play with energy techniques and topics. I think it’s great that Vanessa joins in too. I also like that we can see and interact with the comments and questions of other members in a completely private online space.

    Jennifer, 2024 student

“I highly recommend Vanessa and her offerings to anyone who wants to expand their understanding of how we can work with energy to heal and create a new reality. I have been in Vanessa’s programs for years. She has been a big part of my healing and spiritual journey. Much has shifted!”

- Amanda, 2023 & 2024 student

“Just really enlightening. Learning about energy truly is liberating. It somehow helps me to make sense of what's going on with my energy, what's mine and what's not, and what to do about it. Also having a safe space to connect with like-minded souls is deeply uplifting.”

- Emee, 2024 student

“Being in the presence of people that feel and see energy in a similar way I do is so refreshing and confirming of where I desire to take my life. I love the way the program is structured. Very organized and yet so free flowing. It's been a beautiful experience so far!”

- Juliana, 2023 & 2024 student

Meet Vanessa Smith, creator & teacher of Energy Essentials

Energy sensitivity and intuition, being an empath and seer, have always been prominent forces in my life. They guide my choices, perspectives, and who I connect with. I have learned the blessing of what happens when I follow this, and the hardship when I don’t.

Viewing life energetically has transformed my world. Now, it will transform yours!

Pulling from my personal experience and over 20 years of professional experience in this field, Energy Essentials gives you the emotional alchemy tools, energy psychology, and practical life application for getting attuned to energy within and around you. This taps you into the larger reason you are here, to create collective change in a purpose aligned way, using your gifts to disrupt the old and build the new. You’ll know if it’s the right fit for you to join. If so, see you in there!


  • This is not a DIY course. It is a LIVE group program. The meetups are built around the content and designed to get you connected with other participants. The more you commit to following along with how the program is timed, the richer your experience will be.

  • No matter what you already know about energy, if you are new to me and new to this program, you will learn something here.

    Concepts will be delivered differently than you may have previously heard. You will be interacting with new to you people, in new ways. No matter what your level of energy expertise, you’ll still gain from joining, especially as energy is so dynamic and ever-changing.

    Having been in this field for 25 years, and needing to make sense of energy my entire life, I learn something new every day about energy!

    Ultimately, you choose whether it would be worth it to you or not.

    You know what your goals, vision, and intentions are. Do those match with what is being offered here? Does your intuition say yes? Then, go for it.

  • Determining the level of woo is subjective. We all have lines that can be crossed when it comes to what is too “out there” for us to consider as truth. I am not interested in having you believe what I believe.

    What I am interested in and committed to, is teaching you the tools and context about energy as it relates to our lives in real time and the collective shifts currently going on.

    The info I source about energy is my own energy read. I don’t follow any particular teacher or methodology, though I appreciate what others have to offer and find it often enriches or expands on what I sense to be true.

    You are welcome to disagree with my perspective or teachings on energy. But use that as a tool for connection, and furthering the conversation, rather than being in judgement or opposition. Make the most of the experience, take what works, and let go of the rest.

  • There are no refunds. If you sign up and cannot attend, you can use your credit for other services or courses I offer, or apply your investment to a future Energy Essentials program.

Energy Essentials

We are in an incredibly transformative time.

The amount of personal and collective change happening right now is astounding. To best know what’s up and how to work with it all requires energy know how. Doing this from a place of empowerment, instead of fear, is key.

Energy Essentials helps you navigate what’s going on and more effectively create what’s next. That’s what you’re here for!