Hi, I’m Vanessa, your energy guide…

Here with an enthusiastic love for new paradigm perspectives and those here to create what’s next. Pair this with a passion for vitality and transformational healing, plus 20+ years in this field.

I was born to create the new. If you’re here, you are too.

My story? I’ve always been super attuned to energy, an incredibly nuanced seer, specifically when it comes to your natural gifts, purpose, and potential… within the context of the paradigm shift.

Our gifts are not meant to be sat on or shared with only a few.

This is who I call to me, the ones who are wanting and ready to reach more with their gifts, for collective change. My clients are the transformational healers, teachers, messengers, visionaries, and creatives who know they’re here for a reason. They have big hearts, big gifts, and a big mission. You’ll know if this is you.

There’s lots more I can tell you, and you’ll find different bits of my story throughout my site. Thanks so much for visiting me here.

My experience, story, and training…

  • Natural gift for reading energy in a highly specific and nuanced way, translating underlying dynamics

  • 20+ years owning my transformational business

  • Various positions in the holistic healing field

  • Masters in Holistic Health Education

  • Certified Massage Therapist

  • Certified Life Coach

Beyond the jobs I’ve done, courses attended and created, groups taught, client results, massively helpful mentors - all incredibly foundational for my jouney - the key component that enables me to do what I do for clients is the inner work.

Doing, integrating, and applying the inner work is what allows me to more fully claim my own natural gifts with great clarity and confidence. I have watched time and again how using my gifts in service to the highest version of myself, clients, and humanity, that they do indeed feel like superpowers.

It isn’t always easy. Self-development is like riding white water rapids. You’ve got to know how to move in those waves! When I tell clients “I get it,” I truly mean it. I have been through many reinventions, spiritual identity upgrades, consciousness expansion, and have created a new paradigm for myself to exist within.

This is what I’m here to represent, facilitate, and lead conversations in.

No matter how many courses you’ve taken, how much training or experience you have, if you don’t move through the world from a place of authenticity, things will not only feel out of alignment, you’ll notice they also don’t quite fall into place.

That’s a big part of what this time is about, to see who you truly are, own your gifts, and use them in service to the whole. I am grateful to be on this path with you.

Life is an adventure!

I have lived in big cities and dense forests. Sat in traffic for hours and swam in rivers all day. Worked in a mall and volunteered on a farm. Spent time in country clubs, and grew up in the inner city. From the San Francisco Bay Area to now residing in Europe.

The biggest adventure of all is choosing to follow my intuition.

It has directed me to unexpected career changes (ask me about the time I was a professional princess). It guided me to where I met my husband. It led me to become an expat, sell everything, and relocate continents. It connected me with friends, mentors, clients, and colleagues who I have felt a bond with beyond this lifetime.

When I check intuitively about what's next, I get the strong sense that a whole new adventure is about to begin.