What YOUR astrology paves the way for…
Astrology can provide an incredible overview and roadmap for your uniquely designed life path, highlighting the underlying energy themes you are here to explore and transform. Here are two astro offerings to lighthouse and guide you right now…
Your Chiron Energy Themes
Chiron is known as the wounded healer AND the great teacher. Where this archetype is in your chart illuminates one of the main energy dynamics you are here to work through and embody in this life. In this offering, you’ll receive a personalized to you video and beautiful pdf detailing your Chiron archetype based on your birth chart.
Your House Cycle
Each year, we each cycle through all 12 astrological houses, archetypes, and energy themes, individually and collectively. The collective experience is rooted in the astrological calendar we are all accustomed to. However, your house cycle is specific to you and your birth chart.In this offering, you’ll receive a personalized to you video and beautiful pdf detailing your house cycle based on your birth chart.
—> Special pricing for both offerings!
IMPORTANT - You must know your exact time, place, and date of birth in order for me to complete this offering. There are no refunds. Only sign up if you know and are willing to share this information.