4 Mastery Classes

PRE LAUNCH SALE PRICE until October 15, 2024 release date - take advantage now!

You’re Not Stuck

Liberate yourself from the lies you tell about the immovable place you think you are - stuck. Energetically, it’s impossible to be stuck, so let’s catch your perception and beliefs up with this. Also, you didn’t come here to sit on your gifts, exist on loop, or stay static. Let this mastery class help keep it moving so you rise up. 90min video + energy guidebook + integration activity.

Your Healing Journey

The transformational path you are walking is designed to create a strong internal well of clarity and vitality. Except, the healing journey isn’t always clear cut or the straight line you might want it to be. Work with how healing wants to happen through you & drop the resistance now. This class illuminates how. 90min video + energy guidebook + integration activity.

Know Your Fears - Own Your Power

If you are walking through life run by your fears & suppressing your power, and want the opposite experience, this class is for you. Take a really clear look at what’s underneath the surface for you, and what’s behind your fears, so you can finally see how much power you have to live otherwise. Getting into right relationship with these two energies - fear & power - will not only restore you, it allows your natural gifts to emerge. 90min video + energy guidebook + integration activity.

The Vision Seed

A vision is seeded within you for a reason. It’s not only meant to be shared, but is the energy architecture of the future. You are coded with not only a vision for what could be, but have the natural gifts needed to manifest it. That’s what this time is for - to bring your vision and gifts forefront so you can connect with the resources needed for it to come to fruition. This class lights the way. 90min video + energy guidebook + integration activity.